Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Glories of an iPhone

Last October my husband purchased an iPhone.

The reasons to buy one were quite good:

1. His old phone had expired from an illness -- old battery.
2. We were about to embark on a three week vacation and we were contemplating the purchase of a new laptop to take along.
3. The iPhone is cheaper than a laptop.

So, we bought the "new gadget".

Here is a excerpt from an article by Drew Carey from the November 18, 2007 Parade Sunday supplement that sums up the feelings my husband has for his new toy:

"I'm obsessed with my iPhone. I love being able to whip it out and show people pictures. I never carried a photo in my wallet, but now I understand why it's fun. Getting a new phone is like having sex for the first time: You figure it out and then spend the rest of the evening just playing around. 'Hey, I can do this. And I can do that. Let me show you again. Look how great this is.'"

Oh how true. When I cannot find my spouse, I call his iPhone. He is never without it. He is always using it.

As it turns out, the iPhone was a great purchase for our trip. I used its mapping feature to find our hotel in San Francisco. I used the Safari feature to look up reviews of restaurants. My husband used it to keep up with his stocks -- which was the reason HE said he wanted to buy the phone.

One added reason the iPhone turned out to be wonderful for the trip -- it takes great photos!

No need to carry a camera. That is a plus with the new regulations about the weight of your luggage on airlines.

The last long flight my husband made, he used the iPhone to listen to an audio book (Randy Wayne White's Black Widow). He highly approved of this use for his phone.

Just be sure you update your phone's programs at least once a week. Do it, you will not be sorry.

Just found this book: The Deal. It is a book written in the 90s about an "apple"-like company trying to develop an "iPhone" type product. Fiction can be amazin'!

Monday, May 12, 2008

To Repair or Not to Repair

I invite you to visit a website that seems to be unique. Most sites offering "book repairs" are aimed at those patrons who have an antique book or a precious family Bible that needs to be rebound. Well, what about the rest of us who just want a favorite book made usable again.

For example, your mom gave you her well used copy of The Joy of Cooking, but the cover is coming off. It is a pain every time you try to use it--bits of old glue keep crumbling away from the binding--pages come loose and get lost. What to do? You don't want it rebound in leather, you just want to use it.

Well, go visit Little Red Wagon Book Repair; send the business a picture of your broken book, and see if it is worth being mended.